In search of a more tranquil place of worship, the Almighty God touched the hearts and minds of some of His children and led them to seek a different place for worship. The history of Sixth Baptist Church began in 1923 when twenty - five members with letters of dismissal from Mount Carmel Baptist Church located at 1303 North First Street were led by Reverend Edward D. Caffee to set up a Mission. The Mission met at the St. Luke Building at 900 St. James Street and worshipped as the St. Luke’s Mission.
On October 9, 1923, Reverend Caffee requested a council of recognition for the purpose of reorganizing the Mission as a Church. Dr. W. L. Ransome served as the Moderator, and Reverend Z. D. Lewis, Pastor of the Second Baptist Church served as the Clerk for the council. After deliberations, the council agreed that this Mission could not be recognized only with letters of dismissal. Reverend Caffee was instructed to return to the Mount Carmel Baptist Church to request letters for the organization of a new church.
The second council was called on November 13, 1923, at the Pythian’s Castle on North Third Street at 2:00 pm. M. Dr. Evans Payne, Pastor of the Fourth Baptist Church, served as the Moderator and Reverend Z. D. Lewis served as the Clerk. Reverend E. D. Caffee stated that the Mount Carmel Baptist Church refused to grant the letters of organization of the new church. The meeting was closed with a recommendation to make another effort to obtain the necessary letters.
On December 12, 1923, one month later, the council was reconvened to discuss a report given by Reverend Caffee that his efforts to get Mount Carmel Baptist Church to meet to reconsider granting the St. Luke’s Mission letters to organize a new church were not successful. With Dr. Evans Payne serving as Moderator and Dr. W. L. Ransome serving as the Clerk, a motion was made by Reverend J. T. Crump, Pastor of Macedonia Baptist Church, that St. Luke’s Mission should be duly recognized as a church. The second to the motion was made by Reverend Z. D. Lewis. The vote was unanimous. Reverend J. E. Fountain gave the charge to the newly organized church and Dr. Evans Payne extended the “Right-Hand-of -Fellowship to the new company of sisters and brothers. On December 12, 1923, the St. Luke’s Mission was officially recognized as the St. Luke Baptist Church. On August 3, 1924, St. Luke Baptist Church paid Bethlehem Lutheran Church a One-Hundred Dollar option to buy its church home located at 502 North Sixth Street. The cost of the church edifice was $30,000. It is generally believed that the down payment must have been $5,000. Trustee Henderson King loaned St. Luke Baptist Church $500.00, Trustee Abraham Coleman loaned the church $2000.00 and mortgaged his home for $1250.00 to bring the total to $3,750.00. Reverend Caffee and the church member worked very hard to meet their financial obligation.
The first service at the new church home for St. Luke Baptist Church was held on December 28, 1924. The members marched from North Third Street to their new church home at 502 North Sixth Street. Pastor Caffee preached the first sermon in the morning service. Reverend W. H. Skipwith preached in the evening service on December 28, 1924. Deacons John Hines, Henderson King, Abraham Coleman, Dan Albert, William Christian and Frank Mills served as the first group of deacons. Trustees Henderson King, Abraham Coleman, and Reverend Caffee served as the first group of trustees. Mr. Alonzo B. Jones served as the first Church Clerk.
The first twenty-five members were: Mrs. Mary Anderson, Mrs. Lucy Anderson, Mrs. Eliza Alberts, Mr. Dan Alberts, Mrs. Annie Boston, Mrs. Bertha Brown, Mrs. Diana Crump, Mrs. Malinda Coleman, Mr. Abraham Coleman, Mr. William Christian, Mrs. Pearl Glover, Mrs. Hattie Hines, Mr. John Hines, Mr. Thomas Jeter, Mrs. Martha Jones, Mr. Felix Jones, Mr. Alonzo Jones, Mr. Henderson King, Mr. Frank Mills, Mrs. Mary Roy, Mrs. Rebecca Trent, Mr. James Wells, Reverend Dan Williams, Mrs. Estelle Williams, and Mr. Joseph Williams.
Reverend W. H. Skipwith conducted the first revival at St. Luke Baptist Church. This revival lasted for thirty days. During the revival, Frizzell Hunter, Howard Quarles and Mrs. Dorothy Christian Morton joined the church. Additional members joined under the leadership of Reverend Caffee. He served as the pastor for four years until he rendered his resignation in 1927 to start a new pastorate in Norristown, Pennsylvania.
In November of 1927, the Reverend Joseph Arrington was called as pastor. Reverend Arrington preached his first sermon on December 25, 1927. In January 1928, Reverend Arrington recommended to the church that the name should be changed to the Sixth Street Baptist Church. The recommendation was gladly accepted by the congregation and the name was officially changed from St. Luke Baptist Church to Sixth Street Baptist Church. Reverend Arrington’s next major activity was to plan a revival to unite the membership, to increase their faith in God and to increase the present membership. In March 1928, Reverend J. C. Martin of Rocky Mount, North Carolina conducted a two - week revival. He returned in June 1928 to conduct another two - week revival. Both revivals were very successful in accomplishing the goals Reverend Arrington set for the church.Faced with paying the mortgage on the church building, Reverend Arrington and the board had a meeting with the creditors. For the first year under Reverend Arrington’s administration, the creditors were very sympathetic and permitted the church to pay whatever the members could raise. The first annual quota was one thousand dollars. The quota was met for the first several years until the Great Depression occurred. There was a worldwide economic downturn that began in 1929 and lasted until about 1939. The church was faced with a small membership with most of the members being out of work. Fortunately, the church raised five hundred dollars in the next few years and the creditors credited one thousand dollars on the mortgage in a dollar for dollar match. Over the years as the church struggled through the Great Depression, God blessed the church under Reverend Arrington’s leadership with a growth in membership to 350 members. On June 26, 1944, the Sixth Street Baptist Church paid Bethlehem Lutheran Church the final payment of one thousand dollars. On October 23, 1944, the church paid Trustee Henderson King’s widow the final payment on his two- thousand -dollar loan. Sixth Street Baptist Church held its mortgage burning service on November 24, 1944. All of the members that worked on this project were awarded Mortgage Certificates. After burning the mortgage, the sanctuary was redecorated on the interior and exterior including an installation of a new heating system. A gradual change in the downtown area of Richmond from residential to more commercial use presented many problems for the church. Reverend Arrington and the members began to think about changing the location of the church. In the late summer of 1952, Byrd Park Methodist Church located on the corner of Addison Street and Idlewood Avenue was scheduled for sale. Reverend and Mrs. Arrington, J. H. Fulton, and H. H. Quarles visited the church, liked the location, and looked at the potential of having a ministry in the West End. After the trustees and membership visited the church at 400 South Addison Street, the majority of the members were in full accord to move to a new location. On August 5, 1952, a deposit of five hundred dollars was made to Rose and Lafoon Realtors for the purchase of Byrd Park Methodist Church pending sale of the church at 502 North Sixth Street. On October 6, 1952, a special call meeting for the trustees to report to the congregation that the church negotiated a sale for $13, 500.00. The congregation gave power to the trustees to proceed with a loan. The asking price for the church and a home at 2300 Idlewood Avenue was $36,500.00. Reverend Arrington paid the church $8,000 for the home at 2300 Idlewood Avenue for his family. After a prayer service at the 505 North Sixth Street location on the fourth Sunday in January 1953, Mr. A. D. Price, a local mortician, provided transportation free of charge for members to board busses and drive cars to proceed to the 400 South Addison Street location. Reverend Arrington’s sermon for the first service in the new edifice was “Keys to the Kingdom”.
Upon moving to the West End, the name of the church was officially changed to Sixth Baptist Church. The membership increased to 350 members. New ministries were established to address the needs of a larger membership in a new neighborhood. The church was able to take care of its indebtedness which at that time amounted to $14,690.00. On June 1, 1956, the final payment was made to liquidate the mortgage. Interior and exterior renovation on the church building was made during Reverend’s leadership. Reverend Arrington’s health began to fail and he asked the church to consider hiring an assistant for the pastor. Reverend George T. Lowery was voted unanimously to assume that position. Reverend Lowery served from July 1956 to January 1957 when he resigned to spend more time on working on his job each day, completing his degree, and attending to family matters.
In March 1957, the name of Reverend Haywood G. Knight was submitted to become the associate minister. Reverend Knight served in that capacity until December 19, 1960. On December 24, 1960, Reverend Arrington preached his last sermon, having given thirty- three years of faithful service. The membership voted unanimously to give Reverend Arrington, Pastor-Emeritus status. An additional vote confirmed that he would receive his entire salary as long as he lived. Reverend Arrington departed this world for his Eternal Rest on June 20, 1963. Reverend Arrington had admirably served the church as pastor from 1927 to 1960.
On January 1, 1961, Reverend Haywood Knight became the third pastor of the church after Reverend Arrington retired. Under Rev. Knight’s leadership, a new organ was purchased, the interior of the church was painted, and the Fellowship Club and Youth Church were organized. Plans for a proposed educational building were presented to the church under his leadership but they were not activated. Reverend Knight continued as Pastor until September of 1968, when he presented his resignation to the church after being called to start a new pastorate at Bethlehem Baptist Church in York, Pennsylvania. Reverend Knight service to Sixth Baptist covered over a ten- year period which included three years as associate minister from 1957 to 1960 and as pastor from 1961 to 1968.
In March 1969, Reverend Dr. Emmett L. Fleming Sr. become the fourth pastor of the church. He took charge of his duties on the fourth Sunday in May 1969. Immediately, Reverend Fleming went to work to unify the members. The first financial effort was on the first Sunday in October 1969 at the Homecoming Service and the start of the Revival Week. A goal of $2000.00 was set, and the financial goal was surpassed with $3500 being raised during the week. In addition, the week was blessed with several souls who committed their lives to accept Christ as their Lord and Savior.
During the first part of 1970, there was a strong determination from the pastor, officers, and members to fulfill a long dream started during Reverend Knight’s administration to complete plans for the erection of an educational building. Reverend Fleming and the Building Committee worked together on revising the plans for the construction of a new educational building and renovation of the church sanctuary and front entrance.
In March of 1970, a house on the corner of Idlewood and Addison became vacant. Reverend Fleming recommended to the Official Board that this house should be purchased to use the land for a parking lot. The Board thought it was a good idea and suggested that the pastor and Building and Expansion Committee would investigate the matter. The property was purchased for $7000.00, the house was demolished, and the land was cleared for a parking lot on May 18, 1970.
On June 15, 1970, a special meeting was called by the pastor to inform the church of a need for $17,000.00 to begin its educational building project. A plan to raise the money with a rally in five weeks was presented to the congregation. The membership united to meet the challenge. On the closing date of July 22, 1970, a total of $15,173.50 was raised. The contract for the educational building was awarded to Davis Brothers Construction Company, Inc. The building was erected, and the cornerstone was laid in 1970.
As a part of the sanctuary renovation, Reverend Fleming recommended that all windows, pulpit furniture and pews would be given by families as memorials to loved ones and dedicated church members. Deacon and Mrs. H. H. Quarles agreed to give all pulpit furniture, offering tables and communion table in memory of Deacon and Mrs. Abraham Coleman. The pews and stained- glass windows were given as memorials as requested. The membership worked very hard to remodel the church sanctuary. The church rejoiced over the cooperation of friends and church members for their donations.
Dr. Fleming recognized the need for church members to be trained in the Word of God and to use their talents to participate in various church activities. Several programs for seniors, youth, and young adults were organized. In 1971, there was a response to organizing a new choir for the young people of the church to enable them to express their faith and Christian experience through song. The ideas were guided to fruition by Reverend Fleming and Mrs. Maude L. Short who was the sponsor of the Friendship Club. It was unanimously voted to name the group, The E. L. Fleming Gospel Chorus. Reverend Fleming’s wife, Mrs. Marie Fleming, served as the choir’s first pianist. Mrs. Fleming also served as pianist for the Ever-Ready Choir and faithfully served on the Missionary Board. The Junior Missionary Board was named in Mrs. Fleming’s honor. Under Dr. Fleming’s leadership, Reverend Christine Jackson Shelton and Rev. Yvonne Jones Bibbs were ordained. Rev. Shelton served as Youth Director and Reverend Bibbs served as Assistant to the Pastor and Minister of Christian Education.
Plans to expand the parking lot and to build a playground included the purchase of seven houses. A church annex building was purchased on Idlewood Avenue and the 2200 block of Grayland Avenue was purchased for future expansion. With an increase in membership, the establishment of new ministries and a desire to move to a larger sanctuary, over $450,000 was raised for construction of a new church edifice. The project was not completed under Reverend Fleming’s administration due to his declining health.
Reverend Dr. Fleming departed his earthly life and earned his heavenly wings on Sunday, September 17, 2000. A Homegoing celebration was held on Thursday, September 21, 2000. For over 31 years, Dr. Fleming was a faithful servant of God to the Sixth Baptist Church family and to the community.
On the 3rd Sunday of February 2001, Reverend Dr. Yvonne Jones Bibbs’ name was submitted as the only candidate to become pastor. At the end of the count, it was voted that she would become the fifth pastor of Sixth Baptist Church. Reverend Bibbs was installed on June 3, 2001. The Installation banquet was held at the Marriot Hotel.
Pastor Bibbs’ platform for ministry since the beginning of her pastorate is “We Are Unapologetically Evangelistic”. To support Pastor Bibbs’ ministry platform, many outreach programs were instituted including activities in schools, nursing homes, community centers, city jails, prisons, and feeding locations for the unhoused community. For eight years, the church enjoyed a live Blessings and Miracles Broadcast on WFTH radio, 1540 a.m., along with a TV broadcast on the FOX station. Mission causes that are supported by the church are on a local, state, and global level.
Being a “Good Steward” with 4 T’s (Time, Talent, Treasure and Temple) was taught throughout her tenure. After presenting the church with a vision and mission statement her first year, Pastor Bibbs leads the church with Five Year Themes. The first theme was “Lord Lift Us Up Where We Belong” (2001-2005). The statement, “The Tithe is the Debt We Owe. The Offerings are the Gifts We Bring” was read each Sunday, thereby affording the church’s financial gifts to increase.
Pastor Bibbs supervised Phase One of the church renovation projects during her first years as pastor. Phase One included installing an elevator, additional restroom facilities, a prayer courtyard area, and fencing for the parking lot; purchasing two church vans; remodeling of the church sanctuary and educational building; opening the “Ministry House” that provide opportunities for the community and church ministry bible studies and youth meetings; purchase of a digital piano; purchase of a beauty and barber shop to be used for a future Missions Center.
Rev. Joseph A. Fleming was hired in 2001 as Minister of Missions and Ministry. He served until August 2004 to become Assistant Pastor of Third Baptist Church in Portsmouth, Virginia. Reverend Dr. Lester Frye was hired in January 2005 as the second Minister of Missions and Ministry, and he served in that capacity until November 2006 when he organized The Healing and Living Waters Ministry.
The second church theme was “Can God? God Can! I Can! I Can Do All Things Through Christ Who Strengthens Me” (2006-2011) was based on Philippians 4:13. The theme was introduced after the 5th Pastoral Anniversary in May 2006.
Phase Two of the church sanctuary renovation began in 2007. This phase included reconstruction of the church pulpit area; installation of new pews; construction of an audio- visual room with equipment necessary to record for television; renovation of the Lower Worship Center and Banquet Facility; Lower-level restroom facilities and remodeling for a commercial kitchen. During renovations, the church worshipped at the John B. Cary Elementary School. On Sunday November 18, 2007, the congregation returned to the sanctuary with the formal dedication service with the theme “Crossing Over Jordan to a New Beginning: We’re Claiming the Promises”.
Eight deacons were ordained on Sunday, April 15, 2007. They were Glen Baker, Mary Lou Brent, Estella Davis, Peter Freeburn, Douglas Owens, Oscar Taylor and Bobby Vincent. On April 29, 2007, Wilma Alexander, Ellen Bracey, Patricia Campbell, Alice Jenkins-Owens, Carolyn Solomon and Geneva Turner were consecrated as deaconesses.
Deacon Ronnie West was appointed as the First Church Administrator in May 2008 after serving faithfully as Treasurer for several decades.
To spiritually grow the congregation, the Sixth Baptist Bible Academy was organized in September 2008. The instructors were Dr. E. D. McCreary Jr., Dr. Wallace Cook, Dr. Martha Cook, Reverend Danny Crump along with Reverend Shawn Jones and Dr. Wade Richmond who taught periodically. The Academy experienced great growth and was recognized by the Virginia University of Lynchburg.
Under Reverend Dr. Bibbs’ leadership, the following ministries were organized:
Young Adult Ministry (YAM’S)
Weekly Outreach Bible Study
The Rock (ages 13- 18)
Feed the Community Ministry
Kid’s Club (up to age 12)
Reorganized Girl Scouts
Reorganized Children’s Church (ages 3-12)
Men’s Ministry (formerly the Brotherhood)
Women’s Ministry (formerly the Sisterhood)
Sheepfold Ministry
Mime Ministry
Praise Dancers
Media Ministry
Family Altar Ministry
Yvonne Jones-Bibbs Ensemble of Praise
Male Chorus
Celebration Chorus
Taking It to The Street Ministry
Culinary Ministry (formerly the Kitchen Committee)
Website Ministry
E. Giving
Radio Broadcast. 1540 AM
Blessing and Miracles TV Broadcast
Recreation Ministries: Women’s Basketball, Men’s Basketball and Volleyball teams
Reverend LaChaunne Perry became a student intern during the last quarter of 2008. After completing her internship, she joined the church and was hired as the third Minister of Missions and Ministry. Reverend Perry also served as the Summer Camp Director for two summers before her departure in 2011. Rev. Brandon Price was hired in 2011 to become the Minister of Youth and Young Adults. He left in 2012 to become Pastor of First Shiloh Baptist Church in Mechanicsville, Virginia.
Ms. Frances Turner, a great child of God, served as the Church Historian for many years. After she went home to be with the Lord on June 2, 2010, the church voted to organize a History Commission in October 2011. The following members were voted to serve on the History Commission: Yvette Gilmore, Dorothy Fells, Katrina Hicks and Gerturde Johnson.
On Saturday, April 30, 2011, the church celebrated the 10th Pastoral Anniversary of Dr. Bibbs. The celebration took place at the Marriot Hotel. The speaker was the Honorable Mayor Dwight C. Jones of Richmond and Senior Pastor of First Baptist Church. The Anniversary Celebration continued on Sunday, May 1, 2011, with the 11:00 am speaker, Dr. R. Neal Siler, Pastor of First Shiloh Baptist Church in Mechanicsville, Virginia. The evening speaker was Dr. Robert G. Murray, Pastor of First Baptist Church in Norfolk, Virginia.
The 88th Church Anniversary was celebrated on Sunday, December 18, 2011. Six choirs of the church were honored including the Senior Choir, the E. L. Fleming Gospel Chorus, the Gospel Truth, the Fleming Memorial Male Chorus, the Yvonne Jones Bibbs Ensemble of Praise and the WAY Youth Choir.
The sub-theme for 2012-2014 was “Growing in the Kingdom as We Grow the Kingdom With Word, Worship, and Witness.” A ministry consisting of five discipleship groups called “Sixty Sowers” started. A church corporate prayer service for the success of the ministry in winning new disciples was held on Sunday, November 27, 2011. The church became the House of Prayer for All People which consisted of five prayer groups.
The following persons were added to the staff in January 2012: Rev. Joseph Young, Minister of Education; Rev. Inga Green, Minister of children and Youth; Porche Branch, and Chioke Murray, Teen Directors.
On Saturday, June 2, 2012, Rev. Rachel Satterfield was licensed to preach the Gospel. Her sermon, “Can These Dry Bones Live”, was based on scripture from the book of Ezekiel.
The 89th Church Anniversary was celebrated on December 16, 2012. The 11:00 am speaker was Reverend Dr. Earl Brown of the Fifth Baptist Church and the 1:00 p.m. guests were Rev. Angelo Chapman and the Pilgrim Journey Baptist Church. History was made with the dedication of seventeen babies along with the re-dedication of their parents to serve our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. Reverend Rachel Satterfield and Mrs. Betty Williams served as the chairpersons.
In January 2013, Dr. Bibbs introduced the theme for the next five years: “Excellence in Ministry: Becoming a Five -Star Church.” At a church-wide retreat held at Richmond Hill, the vison of the church becoming a five- star church included five areas: Mission, Growth, Prayer, Vision, and Purpose.
The Daughters of Worth, a Rites of Passage for girls ages 9-18 and the Lions of Judah, a Rites of Passage for boys ages 9-18 was started in January 2013. Ms. Felicia Bracey and Ms. Janene Hudson led the girls’ group and Reverends Joe Young and Herman Lee West led the boys group.
At the start of 2013, The Music and Arts Ministry was restructured. Mr. Curtis Drayton became Music Director for the church, Jonathan Bibbs became Church Worship and Creative Arts Director, and Wanda West became Church Worship and Creative Arts Director. George Black served as the Church Musician.
Rev. Herman Lee West became the Minister of Congregational Care in February 2013.
The Pastor’s vision of opening a Friendship Café through Senior Connections of Richmond became a reality. The Sixth Baptist Church Resource Senior Center and Friendship Café opened in February 2013. A new Seniors’ Ministry called the Senior Trailblazers was organized with Rev. Harold Solomon and Deacon Shirley Sparks as co-directors.
REV. DR.E.L. FLEMING 1969-2000
During the first quarter of 2013, additional projects for the improvement of the church were implemented. Trustee Willie Jones supervised the collection to contributions to pay for a wheelchair accessible step-up bus in cash. In addition, there was a need to replace the windows in the administrative wing of the church and lower worship center. Sister Josephine Fleming and her brothers donated eighteen windows in memory of their mother, Annie Nelson, grandmother, Ruby Frazier and sister, Elva Nelson. Deacon George Black donated two windows in memory of his mother, Minister Mary Black. The dedication of the windows was held during the morning worship service on July 28, 2013. To prepare for the 90th Church Anniversary, the E. L. Fleming Gospel Chorus was featured in a “Back in the Day” Concert on September 29, 2013. During that service, Mr. Jerome Drayton, Music Director, Former Minister of Music and Director of the Gospel Chorus, Mr. George Black, Church Musician, and Mrs. Wanda West, Assistant Director of the Gospel Chorus and Church Worship and Creative Administrative Director were honored for their many years of service. To continue the pre- 90th Anniversary celebration, Homecoming 2013 was held on October 6, 2013. Pastor Bibbs preached the morning message and Reverend Dr. Sylvester Smith preached the afternoon message. The 90th Church Anniversary was celebrated on Sunday, December 15, 2013. A Unity Choir sang for the entire month of December. On June 21, 2014, the church voted unanimously to accept Michael Pearson, Stacy Lee, Howard Glenn, Wilbur Curtis, Chioke Murray and Felicia Bracey as the new trustees. On July 23, 2014, Lili Spain Daniely and Andrea Kelly received ordination as Chaplains. The book, “I Am A Church Member (Discovering the Attitude That Makes the Difference)” was the focus of bible study for 2014. Six courses were taught to the congregation for six consecutive Sundays at 10:30 am. The Congregational Teaching Period began October 12, 2014 to November 16, 2014. The teachers for individual chapters of the book were Brother Jonathan Bibbs, Reverend Inga Green, Trustee- Elect Felicia Bracey, Sister Mae Gabbin, Deacon Edward Greenhill and Trustee Donald Owens. The 91st Church Anniversary was celebrated on December 21, 2014 with breakfast followed by morning worship. Dr. Earl Bledsoe, Pastor Emeritus of Great Hope Baptist Church, was the speaker for the breakfast. Rev. Joseph Fleming of Third Baptist Church, Portsmouth, Virginia delivered the morning message. During 2015 more emphasis was placed on the theme: “Five Star Church of Excellence”. Prayer and seeking God’s will for church growth embraced the goals for the church including Mission, Growth, Prayer, Vision and Purpose. The 92nd Church Anniversary was celebrated on December 20, 2015 with a breakfast recognizing youth, young adults and senior adults. The honorees were Trustee Felicia Bracey, Dorothy and Harold Fells, Deaconess Josephine Fleming, Carl Fleming, Sierra Fleming, Trustee Chioke Murray, and Jonathan Shelton. The speaker for the worship service was Reverend Dr. Andrew White, Pastor Emeritus of Zion Baptist Church, Petersburg, Virginia. The year 2016 began with the pastor asking the congregation to pray more and to pray in faith for the church and one another, Silent meditation and prayer began at 10:45 am before the 11 am worship service. The congregation prayed together in a final altar prayer before the benediction. Brother Erle Robinson became the new Director of Music, Media and Fine Arts. The music department was revised with new leadership in some of the choirs. The new five- year theme: “Mobilizing for Ministry: Refreshing the Old and Emerging the New” was introduced to the congregation in 2016. The project I Found It campaign was launched for outreach and evangelism. What did we find? Salvation. What did we find financially? Giving God’s way with your tithes and offerings. What did we find by supporting worship and bible studies? Small group life classes, introducing Christ to friends, family, and co-workers; praying more; and gathering together with our time, talent, treasure and temple. The 93rd Church Anniversary was celebrated on December 18, 2016. The members of the church who served Sixth Baptist Church for over 70 years were recognized during the 93rd Anniversary Breakfast theme: “Walk Down Memory Lane”. The honorees were: Trustee Emeritus Willie Jones, Mrs. Gertude Johnson and Brother James Turner. Rev. Dr. Clifton Whitaker Jr. delivered the message for the morning worship service. The theme for the anniversary was “A Celebration of Praise.” The year 2017 began with Dr. Bibbs preaching on the five- year theme “Mobilizing for Ministry: Refreshing the Old and Emerging the New.” The church was also reminded to share the good news of God’s salvation through the “I Found It” campaign. Sadly, on January 3, 2017, the Pastor and church suffered a great loss when her husband died suddenly. Brother Henry Clay Bibbs II was extremely active in evangelism and outreach. He was a great supporter of his wife and was well-loved by the Sixth Baptist Church family. Two years before he passed “Clay” organized the “Men of God” ministry incorporating men from various denominations to come together to broaden the growth of sharing God’s word to all. “Clay” was a great missionary worker and teacher of the Bible. He worked in the field of evangelism and outreach for over 35 years, and he always thought of ways to grow God’s kingdom in and outside of the church. “Clay” was a great warrior for the Lord. Pastor Bibbs took a sabbatical after her husband’s death and returned to pastoring in April 2018. Activities and events that occurred in 2017 included: •Recognition of the 100th birthday of Deaconess Corine Bennett in March 2017 •Second Annual Community Family and Friends Weekend on September 16- 17, 2017 •Honoring Trustee Willie Jones as Trustee Emeritus •Honoring Brother F. Ralph Mason as Deacon Emeritus •Honoring the Fleming Memorial Male Chorus, The Male Ushers, and the Male Trustees on Men’s Day in June •Honoring Delores Patterson for her years of service as the culinary ministry chairperson •Initiation of “A Health Moment” during worship service with our nurses and other health professionals sharing timely information for the members’ health and well-being •Reorganization of the music/media/fine arts ministry with Brother Erle Robinson becoming the leader of the ministry •Reorganization of the Youth and Young Adult Ministries •Formation of teams from the United Sisterhood Ministry •Initiation of Prime -Time Bible Study on Thursdays at 1:00 pm with Deacon Edward Greenhill serving as the lead teacher. Special sessions were taught on the book “When God’s Spirit Moves” by Pastor Jim Cymbala •Organization of five prayer groups by Rev. Joe Young, Minister of Christian Education, •Sixteen lessons taught by Rev. Joe Young and Pastor Bibbs on “Prayer as a Priority in Church Life and the Life of Christians” •Lessons during the Worship on Wednesday (WOW Services) by Reverend Joe Young on the book “Tell Someone” •Missionary project lead by Deacon Shirley Higgs to send dresses made out of pillowcases to help girls and ladies in third world countries •A four-week tour of “Throughout the Gospels” led by Dr. F. Scott Spenser, Professor of New Testament and Preaching at Baptist Theological Seminary of Richmond during the month of August 2017 with a concentration on Righteousness, Faith, Salvation and Truth •A three-week lesson at the end of November into the first two week of December 2017 on the book “The Purpose of Christmas” by Rick Warren taught by Reverends Joe Young and Racheal Satterfield •Meditation message and prayer led by Chaplain Dr. Andrea Kelly each Sunday in 2017 at 10:45 am. During the 94th Church Anniversary, a church-wide prayer service was held on Sunday, December 17, 2017, to give thanks to God for taking our Pastor and Church through a challenging but spirit- filled year. Dr. Robert Murray, pastor of the Historic First Baptist Church in Norfolk, Virginia was the speaker. The leadership and membership were acknowledged for their support and prayers for the past, present and future. Together We Rise, Together We Mobilize The year 2018 began with a retreat emphasizing the Five -Year Theme for 2016-2020. Dr. Blackwell, Pastor of Little Zion Baptist Church, Smithfield, Virginia was the facilitator. Erin Caraway was added to the staff as the new Children and Youth Director in 2018. Sister Joy Young became the Children and Youth Director a few years later. The combined anniversary of Deacons, Trustees and Deaconesses was held at the request of the deacons. The church ordained Rev. Rachel Satterfield as the Minister of Missions and Ministry on Sunday September 30, 2018. Reverend Stephen Hewlett was her catechist, and he also preached the ordination sermon. The ordination council was held on Saturday, September 29, 2018. Reverend Tracy Clark was added to the staff as the Minister of Communications and Church Musician. Ms. Mia Eley was hired to design the church website: www.sixthbaptistchurch.org. Ms. Mia Eley also serves as the Pastor’s and Church Administrative Assistant. At the beginning of 2018, there were six remaining members who united with Sixth Baptist when the church was located on Sixth Street: Mrs. Corrine Bennett, Mrs. Mildred Jones, Mrs. Gertrude Johnson, Mrs. Shirley Higgs, Brother Wille Jones, and Brother James Turner. Mrs. Bennett and Mrs. Gertrude Johnson went home to heaven in 2018. As of 2023, all remaining members have gone to be with the Lord. We thank God for their service to the church. The 95th Church Anniversary was celebrated during the morning worship service on Sunday, December 16, 2018. The celebration included musical selections by the combined choirs and greetings by Virginia House Delegate, Betsy Carr. Dr. Bibbs delivered the anniversary message. The service ended with a Benediction Litany to give thanks to Almighty God for 95 years of faithful service. In 2019 we continued to move forward with our five-year theme: “Mobilizing for Ministry, Refreshing the Old and Emerging the New With, Word, Worship and Witness.” The preparation of the church calendar and church yearbook for 2020 were interrupted when the Coronavirus 2019 pandemic began in the United States. In- person services were suspended from February 2020 to April 2022 in response to a federal mandate to decrease the spread of the Coronavirus. The church responded to the pandemic with a new emphasis on the use of multimedia for virtual services. Starting in March of 2020, Pastor Bibbs preached and taught bible study classes in her home study on Sunday mornings and weekly via livestream on Facebook and YouTube. Trustee Howard Glen provided worship music by way of previously recorded SBC choirs, soloists, and media choices. Rev. Tracy Clark, our Minister of Communications and Church Musician, made various marketing flyers to share on the church’s website, www.sixthbaptistchurch.org every week and she is still doing the same in 2023. In May 2021, we celebrated the Pastor’s 20th Anniversary with a parade and festivities held on the church parking lot. The Ministry of Giving included e-giving and Text to Give in addition to the weekly envelope giving. Park and Praise Sunday worship services were held in the church parking lot as the weather permitted along with a DJ playing music by our music ministry. The following church activities for 2020 – 2022 were offered during the pandemic: 1)Church School for all ages via teleconference at 8:30 A.M on Sundays 2)Bible Reflection taught by Rev. Joe Young, Minister of Christian Education, on Mondays at 7pm via teleconference and ZOOM 3) Bible readings every Tuesday at 12 noon by Mrs. Patricia Fleming 4) Motivational Moments by Pastor Bibbs via Facebook and YouTube on Wednesdays 5) Bible Study taught by Rev. Rachel Satterfield on Thursdays 6) Weekly church-wide prayer service every Saturday at 7 pm via teleconference led by Chaplain Andrea Kelly, Director of Congregational and Spiritual Care ministry. Church School lessons were taught weekly during the three-year Covid 19 pandemic and are still going strong. The Church School Teachers are Deacon Edward Greenhill, Deacon Ronnie West, Deacon Oscar Taylor, Deacon Mary Lou Brent, Deaconess Patricia Campbell, Sister Mae Gabbin, Rev. Rachel Satterfield, Rev. Joe Young and Rev. Tracy Clark who serves as a substitute teacher. The Sixth Baptist Church Community Mission Center at 2204 Idlewood Avenue was dedicated in October of 2020 to serve the food boxes and hot meals during the week to the community under the direction of Reverends Tracy Clark and Harold Solomon. Following the Homegoing of Rev. Solomon, Rev. Clark now serves as the Director of the Center. Under Pastor Bibbs’ leadership and with the direction of the Re-Entry Coronavirus Task Force Team, services resumed in the sanctuary since March 2022 at 10 am. Music is offered with the assistance of the SBC singers, the Praise Team, The E.L. Fleming Gospel Chorus, The Fleming Memorial Male Chorus, the Women’s Chorale, The Gospel Truth, the instrumental team, and the media ministry. The instrumental team includes Rev. Tracy Clark, Brother Erle Robinson, and Brother Brian Johnson. The media team is led by Trustee Howard Glenn along with Brother Eric McCutchen and Rev. Joe Young. Youth team members include Jianna Young and Joseph Young. During 2023, many ministries resumed celebrating their anniversaries mainly during the morning worship service. The Combined Ushers’ Anniversary was celebrated in January with Rev. Gina Whitaker as the speaker for the morning service. The Gospel Chorus celebrated their 52nd Anniversary on February 11, 2023. The Senior Choir and the Fleming Memorial Male Chorus celebrated their anniversaries in March 2023. Women’s Day and Men’s Day celebrations occurred to the glory of God in May and June, respectively. Once the church resumed worshipping in the sanctuary after the Covid 19 pandemic, the first Easter service was held on April 9, 2023. The Pastor’s 22nd Anniversary Celebration occurred on May 4, 2023. Rev. Dr. Lester Frye, son of the church, preached during the morning worship service. The church showed appreciation to Dr. Bibbs for holding on to God’s unchanging hands as our pastor. A great celebration of the Deacons, Deaconess and Trustees occurred on the first Sunday morning in June 2023. Rev. Tommy Drayton, son of the church, was the preacher for the celebration. The leaders among these three Ministries are Deacon Douglas Hicks, Chairman of the Deacon’s Ministry, Deaconess Geneva Tuner, Chairperson of the Deaconess Ministry, Trustee Howard Glenn and Trustee Michael Pearson, Co-leaders of the Trustee Ministry. On Sunday, October 1, 2023, we celebrated Homecoming. Pastor Bibbs preached the morning message. The SBC Music Ministry blessed us during the “All Hail the Power of Jesus Name” concert of hymns during our 9:30 am service. On Tuesday, October 3rd, we had a noon day revival with Rev Marvin Gilliam, Pastor of Mt Carmel Baptist Church, Richmond, Va. preaching the message. Lunch was served afterwards to all in attendance. On Sunday, December 3rd, the 100th Church Anniversary celebrations kicked off at Virginia Union University’s Living and Learning Center with a catered reception. Also, there was an exhibit depicting the church’s history to include each of the pastors and their contributions during their pastorate. On Sunday, December 10, 2023, we had a special worship service celebrating children, youth, and family. Rev. Joe Young, Minister of Christian Education, served as the morning speaker. Everyone enjoyed a meal after service at a local restaurant. On Saturday, December 16, 2023, the Pastor, ministry leaders, staff and other members of the congregation enjoyed a fellowship breakfast at Cold Harbor Restaurant, Mechanicsville, Va. This event was chaired by Sis. Arlene Johnson. On Sunday, December 17, 2023, we celebrated our 100th Church Anniversary. The theme for the service was “Celebrating and Walking with God by Faith for 100 Years” 1923- 2023 (1 Corinthians 1:9). Rev. Melvin T. Blackwell, Pastor of Little Zion Baptist Church in Smithfield, Virginia was the morning preacher. The sermon title was “The Church: Who we Are and Who We Are Becoming” (Matthew 16: 13-18). Dr. Johnny Branch served as the worship leader. Mayor Levar Stoney, Mayor of Richmond, and Dr. Robert Winn, Director of Virginia Commonwealth University’s Massey Comprehensive Cancer Center, gave remarks. Dr. Jonathan Bibbs served as our guest soloist. The SBC Anniversary Choir sang to the glory of God. Sis. Val Pullen read a resolution given to Sixth Baptist Church by the Senate of Virginia in honor of the 100th anniversary. The praise dance team ended an outstanding worship service with such amazing talent. On Sunday, December 24, 2023, during the 10:00 am worship service, the church enjoyed a Christmas Cantata. The recognition of the fourth Sunday in the Advent season, the rendition of Christmas songs by the mass choir and presentations by the youth of the church culminated in a joyful praise for the birth of Jesus Christ. The theme for the year of celebration during 2024 is “Celebrating the Amazing” Luke 5: 26 a. As the church continues to celebrate the 100th anniversary, we pray for God’s favor upon the Sixth Baptist Church Family to continue a great ministry that has occurred over the years. TO GOD BE THE GLORY FOR THE AMAZING THINGS HE HAS DONE.